Do you sometimes getting harassing and scary calls? If you have a phone number and you do not know the owner of the number then reverse phone directory can help you.
What these directories are really offering is information about who is calling you or pestering you. Looking up for person's name, address and other information by their cell number on yellow pages or public phone directories is impossible. Another obstacle to a free database is the transitory life span of cell phone numbers, they simply do not last long enough to make a current and up to date database possible.
You can also do an area code search where you enter in the area code. This is not as common as it once was, because this takes far more time than our modern means of communication. A reverse phone number lookup lets you find out a name and an address if you know the telephone number.
Also, if you want the trace to be kept private, you are better off with paid rather than free reverse phone directories. Go for paid services that provide directories for cell phone numbers as well.